Rickzzy: hey, wazzup?
Rtesi: awwwwWWWWW!
Rickzzy: ???
Rtesi: You have not much to talk about
Rickzzy: not i have
Rickzzy: i'm friends with a lvl 105
Rtesi: I don't really care, unless it benifits me
Rickzzy: lol
Rickzzy: god ur rude, lol
Rtesi: Well if you are friends with him, good for you
Rickzzy: lol
Rtesi: But I don't care
Rickzzy: ok....
Rtesi: I don't.
Rickzzy: Do you think Robin's pretty?
Rickzzy: ^^^
Rtesi: More pretty than Kara, thats for sure
Rtesi: way more
Rtesi: You know, Kara is just ugly
Rickzzy: well, anyone's prettier than Kara, but do you think shes
pretty in General?
Rtesi: just generally, yeah
Rickzzy: whats JUST mean?
Rtesi: sorry, I deleted the first part of the sentence so it doesn't make
Rickzzy: oh, well retype it
Rtesi: You know, i don't care what you think of me
Rickzzy: ok... i'm i don't think anything og you, lol jk, bus seriously
just tell me the first part of that sentence....
Rtesi: you are fucking nosy
Rickzzy: lol.. whats ur point? are we a LITTLE touchy tonight?
Rtesi: No, I'm not pissed off
Rtesi: I just don't want to talk to you about who I like and who I don't
Rickzzy: u sound like it, lol
Rtesi: Whoaaa, you like Angel
Rtesi: Big Whup
Rtesi: I have more important things to do
Rickzzy: whats that got to do with anything?
Rtesi: OMFG
Rickzzy: huh?
Rickzzy: whats Angel got ot do with Robin?
Rtesi: This is sad
Rickzzy: what is sad?
Rtesi: you
Rickzzy: whay am I sad?
Rickzzy: why*
Rickzzy: ^^^
Rtesi: I don't know what that means, I'm not a geek like you
Rickzzy: its just a arrows pointing up... use ur COMMON sense...
looka t what the arrows pointing to...
Rickzzy: duh....
Auto response from Rtesi: I'm not listening, I'm not listening, I'm not
listening, I'm not listening
Rickzzy: rofl
Rickzzy: .....
Rickzzy: .........
Rickzzy: .........
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: ......
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: .........
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: .....
Rickzzy: ....
Rickzzy: ...
Rickzzy: ....
Rickzzy: .....
Rickzzy: ..........
Rickzzy: .........
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: ......
Rtesi: Damn You >:o
Rickzzy: ..........
Rickzzy: .........
Rickzzy: ........
Rtesi: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate
limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message
Rtesi: 8-)Well the sun comes up on a sleepy little town
Rickzzy: ....
Rickzzy: .....
Rickzzy: ......
Rickzzy: ......
Rtesi: down around San Anton
Rickzzy: ..
Rickzzy: ......
Rickzzy: .........
Rickzzy: .....
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: .....
Rtesi: And the folks are risin' for another day
Rickzzy: .....
Rickzzy: ......
Rickzzy: .......
Rtesi: Proud of their new home
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: .....
Rtesi: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate
limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message
Rtesi: The people of a town a strange
Rtesi: And they're proud of where they came
Rickzzy: ...
Rickzzy: ......
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: ............
Rickzzy: ...........
Rtesi: Well you talking bout the China Grove
Rtesi: Whoaaaa China Grove
Rickzzy: .....
Rickzzy: ....
Rickzzy: ......
Rickzzy: .....
Rickzzy: .......
Rickzzy: .
Rtesi: Where everyday, there's a new thing comin
Rickzzy: wtf are u quoting?
Rtesi: the ways of the Oriental view
Rtesi: I'll show you
Rtesi wants to send file china grove.wma.
Rtesi: Takes a while, my computer is slow
Auto response from Rtesi: Talk to the Hand cuz... ummm... ur ass
is ugly? oops no.... ARG! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
Rtesi: You are gonna die.8-)
Rickzzy: r u having fun sending me a big file and its comming in sooo
Rtesi: I'm doing something else, i have time
Rickzzy: lol
Rtesi: It's the song I was quoting from
Rickzzy: ohh eli listens to RAP
Rtesi: Nope:-)
Rtesi: Let me sing another one
Rickzzy: stop with the DAMN ugly hockey faces... *makes the sign
of the cross* oh god plz not another sng....
Rickzzy: talking to Angel
Rtesi: They're not supposed to look nice
Rickzzy: lol
Rtesi: They are ugly to represent toughness
Rickzzy: lol
Rtesi: something you don't have
Rtesi: 8-)
Rickzzy: sdfu
Rtesi: ;-)
Rickzzy: shhhh
Rtesi: At least I have music to send
Rtesi: 44%
Rtesi: 45%
Rtesi: 47%
Rickzzy: lol
Rtesi: 49%
Rtesi: 51%
Rtesi: Well if it Rains, I don't care
Rtesi signed off at 7:18:30 PM.
Rtesi signed on at 7:25:55 PM.